I read, I observe and only when I see something worth writing about do I write. Yesterday there was a foretelling moment, Mr. Obama delivered a speech at the Department of State about US foreign policy. In his speech Mr. Obama mentioned the 1967 borders of Palestine; this was the first time in memory where an American Official ever mentioned this or even hinted at it being a legitimate demand of the Palestinians - wow what a momentous day.
This is not a victory dance or anything but it clearly gives us food for thought. One can clearly predict that the Middle East Crisis will be over and very soon. One can see that the US and the IDF must agree to the will of the people of the region (Arabs, non-Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Atheists and many others) and not to the whims of politicians and special interest groups wherever they may be. The USA has just now realized that the tide is against it and that our best interest in the region is to have the will of the people respected.
Libyans, Yemenis and Syrians have been dying for months with no end in sight, this is a revolution like no other. There is nothing STRONGER than someone with no HOPE to live and wants to die. No technology can stop him, there are not enough bullets on this earth that will stop the "walking dead". Oppressive regimes turned all Arabs into zombies, walking dead, with no hope to live or even earn a decent living. That is what Mr. Obama finally realized, he may not have said it, but he clearly is afraid of the outcome and wants to control it before it backfires in his face.
People power will prevail no matter how hard or long the battle, no matter the number of deaths or injured, regardless of how many are jailed, arrested, tortured, people will always prevail. In numbers there are more of us than there are of them.
I want to stop here an thank all the Martyrs of the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions that gave their lives to help the world open its eyes. I want to thank every disabled and injured person hurt by the bullets of the oppressive regimes for their sacrifices. I will not forget what they did there is a debt owed to them that must be repaid by keeping their dreams and hopes alive.
The world has changed I have hope in a future that looks brighter than today. Thank you Egypt and Tunisia.