What? Have I gone crazy? why are all those in my title - well I observe and only comment if there is something I think is important so let us see:
When a regime is turning away from democracy to a totalitarian dictatorship the first things you see are the erosion of the courts system and the power of the Judiciary. For the first time ever in the USA, Obama publicly criticized the Supreme Court for attempting to rule on his Obama Care law. For his criticism I support the repeal of this law because Obama IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW or the Supreme Court. The USA is a country of law, checks and balances point blank.
When a government feels weak they hide under the guise of "security" and now you really can't talk back at public servants, challenge them or even stop them. Agents raid your home without any due process; GSA employees spend your money and brag about it; Secret Service personnel think they are invincible and hire prostitutes in Colombia among many other examples in our daily life. Even Anthony Wiener was busy showing off his wiener on Twitter not doing his JOB.
I want to remind here every Politician and Federal Employee that unfortunately it is a privilege to be of service to the US people and be paid by them to do your job (also your taxes pays for your salary). We will cooperate with you so you can do your job BUT THIS IS WHERE IT STOPS we also have our rights and freedoms that MUST be protected. Any transgression should be challenged and met with the system of checks and balances. The Supreme Court and our judiciary MUST remain independent and powerful otherwise welcome to the CCCP America.