Monday, October 7, 2013

Man of the Year Award goes to the "Masked Protestor" !!

It appears nowadays that every time there is a peaceful protest anywhere in the world it ends with "masked protestors" in-sighting violence and the "police and armed forces" are always called in to restore order. 

This is an alarming trend and tactic used by failed and falling governments the world over to quell anti government protests to force unarmed masses into further submission by corrupt regimes. Masked protestors gave back Egypt to the military, are being used to kill protests in Poland, Greece, Brazil, the UK, the USA and every where, whenever there is dissent and a peaceful demonstrations they always are turned upside down by the masked protestor. 

Look at all pictures of protests the world over, police and security forces are all wearing and looking alike. They wear dark balaclavas or ski masks, helmets and you can't tell if it is in Cairo, Tehran, Tel Aviv or New York. They all came to the same conclusion their enemy is one and they are united against them. Their enemy is you and me it is JOHN Q PUBLIC. 

The man of the year award goes to the government agent the masked protestor. He is well trained security operative that shows only at the right time to kill dissent in favor of corrupt, decrepit politicians. It doesn't matter where you are even China is trying to terrorize its population by staging a fake car crash in October then lying about it.  

Every weak system must create an enemy but the corrupt minds of the intelligence communities does not realize that an over bloated system is just a time bomb waiting to explode. Systems that are filled with redundancies and inefficiencies tend to self destruct they just simply "fall under their own weight". 

The evil minds of governments when their people protest against them nowadays is to unleash terror on their subjects. Peaceful protest suddenly turn into chaos with a few "masked protestors using fire bombs and weapons". I stopped believing any government and their propaganda the people are fed up with Military rule, dictatorship, corrupt politicians and the lack of hope in a better life. Egypt is turning into a freedom nightmare, Tunisia is following even Chile and Argentina. It appears that all governments got together to thwart peaceful protests by spreading more terror in the hearts of feeble, weak public.

The oppression of weak governments corrupt to the core, in absolute debt and forcing their people into more and more debt is becoming more belligerent but also beware that when the tide turns, and it will, payback will be hell. Freedom is the right of every human being, the right for a job, a secure life and at least hope for the future.

To all the security operative that hide under their masks you earned this award but your time is up. WE THE PEOPLE WANT OUR COUNTRIES BACK, someday soon your masks will be uncovered and the truth of your deceit will be told. Bask in anonymity for now.