Friday, July 29, 2011

US Budget Talks - Who CARES!!

I am fed up with corrupt politicians in Washington DC from both sides of the aisle. All those people it appears only care about re-election I say recall them ALL and fire the whole lot. They continue to fail us the people time after time.

They talk about the nation's future and they already mortgaged it three generations ahead on failed projects useless wars and many other pork projects. FIRE THEM RECALL THEM AND LET'S REDO THIS CORRUPT SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT IF OUR FOREFATHERS KNEW WHAT IS GOING ON BY THOSE CORRUPT PUBLIC SERVANTS THEY WOULD HAVE STARTED ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY WAR.

Obama, All of that lot including you SIR are a bunch of no good corrupt politicians. I don't care if the debt ceiling is increased or the federal budget is approved I need to pay my bills next week and sell my house. Screw you DC, screw the Republicans and the Democrats you all put us in this position and you are selling our children's and grandchildren's future. Shame on every one of you SHAME SHAME SHAME.

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