Where does ANYONE come up with this idea it reminds me of the water bomb a few years back that is causing us to surrender our water bottles at all airport check points. Who comes up with this CRAP. But let me rationalize this for a bit RC airplanes are really tiny and can hardly hold a load of C4 to do any harm. The best anything can happen is cause confusion and blow the little plane up.
But this was a PLOT with information and explosives supplied by our "VALIANT" FBI to entrap a man. In my opinion this plot is not feasible, and I am sure there are CNN and Fox PAID analysts out there that will counter my argument. Any person who worked on these little planes know what I am talking about it is not really possible to do such a thing. Every plane needs ONE person to control it, and for someone to do any damage we need a few hundred and then some. This plot will require and ARMY of at least 500 to cause ANY damage and where would they come from?
Now to the real story - People are trying to protest Wall Street Greed and are being arrested, the US Government is failing to spur the ailing economy back to life, jobs are hard to come by and Greece is going to default pretty soon. That is the shell game this government is playing they are HIDING the real problems from us by disseminating CRAP like this. I am disgusted, at least Mubarak was a Dictator, is Obama a Dictator? are we still living in a democracy? Where is due process?
A sincere advice to all politicians to keep your bloody jobs you need to fix the economy and make this country vibrant again. The business of the USA is not getting done by all these fabrications and media lies. The American Public MUST WAKE UP ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!