Saturday, September 10, 2011

When will America Stop crying and start living again in memory of 9-11

Ten years ago I saw two airplanes on TV hitting the towers and the events that followed. I just wanted to tally up where we are today ten years later here is where we are:
1. Three wars with no way out.
2. Record unemployment.
3. A financially bankrupt government.
4. A morally bankrupt system of government.
5. Trillions of dollars in debt
6. The first black president
7. Millions of refugees and hundreds of thousands dead with our weapons and armies
8. Bin Ladin is dead by a team of only 12 brave men in an operation that cost only millions.
9. Weiner showed everyone his Weiner
10. Arnold fathered a child out of wedlock
11. Michael Jackson died.
12. Egypt went through a revolution so did Tunisia Libya and Syria.
13. Europe is in near financial ruins.
14. Greece, a country I love, is near bankrupt.
So when are we going to start living again? Just a simple question from an ordinary person who will vote next year for the next corrupt politician to sit in the oval office. The world around us is changing fast and America is having trouble coping. Let us live again America isn't it time?

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