Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

The world has changed a great deal in the past year. It was a year of the average guy the "protester" really it was but let us recap where we are today:

Middle East still uncertain as ever many dictators are still operating like normal, killing people and arresting them as normal. Egypt's SCAF is killing people left and right, Syria's Assad is not yet done killing so is Yemen's Saleh they are all executing a policy of longevity trying to wear the protesters down and outlast them. I really hope it does not work.

Europe and North America
and the world the Occupy movement does not seem to gain any traction and it also appears that, although, they are not being killed, the same tactics are being played out - wear them down.

So far the only quasi successful revolutions are Tunisia and Libya they are on the mends. As for Egypt, the USA and all the world powers will NEVER let it go democratic since the USA sees a threat to the Jewish State (Israel) from a democratic Egypt. I am saddened by the turn of events and am hoping that the "good guys" win, the protesters, the revolutionaries and the people fighting for a better world. The next country in that region that will turn will surprise everyone - no one will see it coming but it will happen and soon I hope.

I have seen Anonymous do some of its magic to help out; to them goes my thanks for this year so this year goes to the anonymous ANON and the protesters here is to a better more successful year next year remember - YOU NEVER REALLY LOSE IF YOU KEEP TRYING A WINNER IS A PERSON WHO GOT UP CLEANED HIMSELF UP AND TRIED ONCE MORE UNTIL HE SUCCEEDED. This is just a fact of the world.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Egypt AGAIN, OWS and the way we are!

The Egyptian revolution is not over, they trusted the wrong people and gave them power. Now they tasted it and are hungry for more. Egypt I am sad to say will go into more turmoil and there will be blood before this is all over.
OWS - the movement is still in its infancy and it reminds me of the movmement of the 60s. Before this takes hold and a worldwide grip there will need to be an event that will mobilize everyone. Until that happens we just have to wait, all totalitarian governments, like the US, can't be as stupid as Mubarak, or can they?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gaddaffi Caught Today 10/20/11

It appears that Gaddaffi has been caught today let us hope this news is true, one more tyrrant gone. Next is Saleh of Yemen and Assad of Syria I hope. My point here is what do I say to those people that died or were wounded because they wanted freedom.

Those people in Occupy Wall Street that also face every sort of ridicule and arrest. If OWS becomes more serious I can almost see that we will return to what happened in the 60's the establishment will protect itself at all costs.

What should I tell those people, Thank you is NOT enough but for today that is all I can do THANK YOU ALL from Tunisia, to Egypt passing by Libya, Syria, Bahrain, NEW YORK and all cities where people are moving against greed and injustice. THANK YOU!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Latest Hollywood Terror Plot

This morning we, in the USA, were greeted with the ominous news that a lone "terrorist" was caught trying to blow up DC using RC planes. I must find me some of the CRAP the person is smoking that works for the government and use it, it must be grade A drugs.

Where does ANYONE come up with this idea it reminds me of the water bomb a few years back that is causing us to surrender our water bottles at all airport check points. Who comes up with this CRAP. But let me rationalize this for a bit RC airplanes are really tiny and can hardly hold a load of C4 to do any harm. The best anything can happen is cause confusion and blow the little plane up.

But this was a PLOT with information and explosives supplied by our "VALIANT" FBI to entrap a man. In my opinion this plot is not feasible, and I am sure there are CNN and Fox PAID analysts out there that will counter my argument. Any person who worked on these little planes know what I am talking about it is not really possible to do such a thing. Every plane needs ONE person to control it, and for someone to do any damage we need a few hundred and then some. This plot will require and ARMY of at least 500 to cause ANY damage and where would they come from?

Now to the real story - People are trying to protest Wall Street Greed and are being arrested, the US Government is failing to spur the ailing economy back to life, jobs are hard to come by and Greece is going to default pretty soon. That is the shell game this government is playing they are HIDING the real problems from us by disseminating CRAP like this. I am disgusted, at least Mubarak was a Dictator, is Obama a Dictator? are we still living in a democracy? Where is due process?

A sincere advice to all politicians to keep your bloody jobs you need to fix the economy and make this country vibrant again. The business of the USA is not getting done by all these fabrications and media lies. The American Public MUST WAKE UP ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Suicide Bombers WTF!

Last time I looked around I heard a suicide bomber attacked a church in Java Indonesia. I wonder to myself every time I hear something like that who is to benefit from such a STUPID act. The answer comes back to me in the form of weak Governments trying hard to assert control and intimidate its population into submission.

With the demise of one of the worlds most terrorist regimes that of Mubarak in Egypt and the evidence that was unearthed proving to the world that they played the terror card so often they had a list of people ready for jail always. The bombing of the All Saints Cathedral in Alexandria was planned and executed by the counter terrorism branch of the Egyptian police.
So whenever a suicide bomb takes place I always wonder who is to benefit and it all points to the same thing weak unfair totalitarian governments.

Last I checked the Quran clearly denounces suicide. Also there is a clear incident of a companion who killed himself after a day of valiant fighting just to spare himself death pains only to be declared going to hell by Muhammad (PBUH). So any person telling or justifying to any Muslim that suicide bombing is a ticket to paradise better strap that crap on himself because he is calling people to kill themselves to die and go to hell.

I believe that all the suicide bombings are made by and produced by the Western Occupation forces and their puppet regimes. It is all designed to terrorize the people into submission and force us to pay more and more taxes and bail out money to rich bankers and corrupt politicians. I am not a conspiracy theorist but something is fishy whenever some bad economic news is to be laid out in the public some silly plot like that is uncovered. Just observing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Palestinian State Obama and the Middle East

Obama and the West are still living in pre-2011 middle east where they think they have every leader bought and paid for with our tax money. I think our move to stop an early and fast resolution to the Middle East Palestinian crisis will only increase the area's volatility and force "unwlecome" changes faster. Nobody could have ever predicted the removal of Mubarak, Bin Aly, Ghaddaffi and others that are being toppled as I write this. Demographically the odds are against us in that area and we MUST re-align ourselves to help protect our allies and interests in the region better. Stong armed tactics and vetos will no longer work we have no money to fund another war and the next war we enter into we may not be able to protect our friends in the area. Just a word of caution.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Syria how many more kids must be raped and killed before the world acts?

When will this world start to act to the atrocities that this criminal regime in Syria is committing? I am acting now I will consciously boycott any western company, country or entity that does business with Assad. I call every person with some conscious left to start the same. Now we need a list of those companies / countries / entities that are helping Assad.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

When will America Stop crying and start living again in memory of 9-11

Ten years ago I saw two airplanes on TV hitting the towers and the events that followed. I just wanted to tally up where we are today ten years later here is where we are:
1. Three wars with no way out.
2. Record unemployment.
3. A financially bankrupt government.
4. A morally bankrupt system of government.
5. Trillions of dollars in debt
6. The first black president
7. Millions of refugees and hundreds of thousands dead with our weapons and armies
8. Bin Ladin is dead by a team of only 12 brave men in an operation that cost only millions.
9. Weiner showed everyone his Weiner
10. Arnold fathered a child out of wedlock
11. Michael Jackson died.
12. Egypt went through a revolution so did Tunisia Libya and Syria.
13. Europe is in near financial ruins.
14. Greece, a country I love, is near bankrupt.
So when are we going to start living again? Just a simple question from an ordinary person who will vote next year for the next corrupt politician to sit in the oval office. The world around us is changing fast and America is having trouble coping. Let us live again America isn't it time?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The NEW Enemy!!

I was watching some of the videos that came out of Tahrir in Egypt during January and February of this year - what a moving experience. Today, over six months later, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF, a Mubarak bunch of lackeys) are arresting activists left and right, ordering military tribunals for them one after the other. Some of the evidence presented against those activists are tweets and Facebook pages they used to express their opinions. That is not a good turn of events since recently the Army arrested an ex-officer who was helping secure the field hospital in Tahrir in a sting operation.

Recently BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority) shut off all cellular communications to thwart some civil action in California. Similarly, Prime Minister Cameron of the UK said the UK will ban all forms of social networking after the riots in London. It is becoming ever so clear that those fascist governments are becoming more and more concerned with the increased mobilization and involvement of people that is being aided by social media. Now we can mobilize action against corrupt politicians in Egypt as easily as we would in the USA. We can communicate our hopes, aspirations, frustrations, disappointments and share them with the world. Those governments are more afraid of the people they govern than any outside enemy. That is becoming more and more evident.

The role social media plays today as a catalyst can be easily replaced and I wish to inform those governments that there were riots and revolutions before there was ever Twitter, Facebook or Google+. People when cornered are going to do amazing things, there are not enough bullets in this earth to kill someone who really has to defend himself and family with nothing to lose.

The New enemy is you, me, freedom of speech, the Internet, social media and people who are fed up with any corrupt system of government. A system of government that only wants to protect itself and will go to extremes to do so.

Tunis, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria thank you and the snowball effect already started it will not stop there. I, for one, am sick of DC and the corrupt politicians that are running my country. They all must be recalled and we need to start afresh with younger more pro-active people with a fresh view and another set of rules that allows us to monitor them and recall whomever is corrupt and not doing their job.

Friday, July 29, 2011

US Budget Talks - Who CARES!!

I am fed up with corrupt politicians in Washington DC from both sides of the aisle. All those people it appears only care about re-election I say recall them ALL and fire the whole lot. They continue to fail us the people time after time.

They talk about the nation's future and they already mortgaged it three generations ahead on failed projects useless wars and many other pork projects. FIRE THEM RECALL THEM AND LET'S REDO THIS CORRUPT SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT IF OUR FOREFATHERS KNEW WHAT IS GOING ON BY THOSE CORRUPT PUBLIC SERVANTS THEY WOULD HAVE STARTED ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY WAR.

Obama, All of that lot including you SIR are a bunch of no good corrupt politicians. I don't care if the debt ceiling is increased or the federal budget is approved I need to pay my bills next week and sell my house. Screw you DC, screw the Republicans and the Democrats you all put us in this position and you are selling our children's and grandchildren's future. Shame on every one of you SHAME SHAME SHAME.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Norway - What a Tragedy!

What happened in Norway just two days ago is indeed a tragedy; I am saddened by the unjustifiable loss of innocent lives. I have very little to say except it is sad and unfortunate for such a beautiful country to have to endure something so tragic.

On the other hand the 1500 page manifesto written by the perptrator in this event is even more troubling than anything I could imagine. Let's see, if a deranged Muslim, for example, would have written something similar to this what would have happened. I would assume that the whole world would clearly attack him, his thoughts, his religion, his country, his background and possibly arrest him for saying such things. The media would try and convict him before any evidence was heard and instantly his life would be ruined and he would be in jail. But for a white person similar hate documentation is tolerated, encouraged, discussed, allowed and in some instances condoned as being "patriotic".

Muslims are currently being banned of their basic human rights like the freedom of expression (example is the European fervor on banning Muslim women wearing Niqab in public) like other citizens of France, Belgium, Australia and many other countries. To me a Niqab and a mini-skirt are freedoms of choice afforded individuals and they should be allowed equally unless we live under Nazi or communist style rule where a certain uniform is allowed only.

In the USA now there is this fervor of anti-Share'a (Islamic rule) where state after state is voting a ban share'a law. Wow why don't they also ban Jewish laws governing family, marriage, divorce, inheritence like that. I guess Islam has been tried and convicted in their eyes for no apparent reason than what Fox News says (which is owned by a Muslim the second largest shareholder is Prince Waleed of Saudi).

We can start by counting the people that are in jail for alleged "plots" that were instigated by entrapement efforts by the police, FBI and other agencies just to make work for themselves. How many innocent lives have been damaged for those agencies to just claim success in their crusade against Islam and Muslims. Yet this Norwegian terrorist is called a "madman" and nobody even hinted at him being a terrorist murderer and should be tried like one. The Washington Post so valiantly blamed and convicted Islam and Muslims before any details were made available to the public what a travesty.

What a hypocritical world we live in, to me a terrorist is a terrorist no matter the background. A terrorist is worse to me than a petty thief. Also a human life is sacred and should not be spent under any guise so a poor farmer in Afghanistan holds the same value like the President of the World no difference. I am saddened by the daily unwarranted deaths of people in Norway like I am saddened by the unwarranted death of Palestinians, Afghanis, Egyptians and many others for no apparent reason.

In my personal opinion I believe that the real terrorists are Hosni Mubarak, Gaddaffi, Asad and other leaders that do export and sponsor terrorism. The real terrorists are Blackwater and other mercenary organizations that kill for no reason. The real terrorist is any of the wackos in this world that can't seem to be able to live with others peacefully.

The real terrorists are being exposed every day, in my opinion, it is every authoritarian government that perpetrates human indignant acts on its people or instill fear so they can continue to rule. People of this world have already spoken in Egypt, Tunis and other countries like Syria and Libya. Others will move soon and once they start the snow ball effect will wipe out all terrorist totalitarian governments in one felt swoop.

I live in a neighborhood with many colors, religions and backgrounds. We don't walk every morning with knives waiting to kill each other we are neighbors and some are friends others are not but they are neighbors. Soon, once the political insanity goes away countries will live together in harmony like our neighborhood. This is my hope for the future world where my children will live.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Amazing This world!

Someone tweeted during the revolution in Egypt that it is interesting how those governments that sold its people the only enemy Israel for fifty years never fired ONE shot toward Tel-Aviv but during three weeks they totally spent their munitions against its people.

The enemy then was and have always been the people and Israel was a convenient target. I think the world is changing and the real purpose of governments is becoming more and more evident. The question today is the West going to become like the East was? I vote YES.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Comic explores a changed Cairo -  
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Hope his show goes off without a hitch before July 8th.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BBC E-mail: Google teacher in US economy warning

aly saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.

** Google teacher in US economy warning **
A professor who helped Google's founders get the company off the ground - and became a billionaire in the process - has warned that President Obama could be leading the United States towards economic disaster.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

NATO fears Anonymous, Wikileaks as "threat to member-states' security"

NATO fears Anonymous, Wikileaks as "threat to member-states' security"

James Nixon at "NATO leaders have been warned that Wikileaks-loving 'hacktivist' collective Anonymous could pose a ... Read more

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Is This Game Over?

I read, I observe and only when I see something worth writing about do I write. Yesterday there was a foretelling moment, Mr. Obama delivered a speech at the Department of State about US foreign policy. In his speech Mr. Obama mentioned the 1967 borders of Palestine; this was the first time in memory where an American Official ever mentioned this or even hinted at it being a legitimate demand of the Palestinians - wow what a momentous day.

This is not a victory dance or anything but it clearly gives us food for thought. One can clearly predict that the Middle East Crisis will be over and very soon. One can see that the US and the IDF must agree to the will of the people of the region (Arabs, non-Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Atheists and many others) and not to the whims of politicians and special interest groups wherever they may be. The USA has just now realized that the tide is against it and that our best interest in the region is to have the will of the people respected.

Libyans, Yemenis and Syrians have been dying for months with no end in sight, this is a revolution like no other. There is nothing STRONGER than someone with no HOPE to live and wants to die. No technology can stop him, there are not enough bullets on this earth that will stop the "walking dead". Oppressive regimes turned all Arabs into zombies, walking dead, with no hope to live or even earn a decent living. That is what Mr. Obama finally realized, he may not have said it, but he clearly is afraid of the outcome and wants to control it before it backfires in his face.

People power will prevail no matter how hard or long the battle, no matter the number of deaths or injured, regardless of how many are jailed, arrested, tortured, people will always prevail. In numbers there are more of us than there are of them.

I want to stop here an thank all the Martyrs of the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions that gave their lives to help the world open its eyes. I want to thank every disabled and injured person hurt by the bullets of the oppressive regimes for their sacrifices. I will not forget what they did there is a debt owed to them that must be repaid by keeping their dreams and hopes alive.
The world has changed I have hope in a future that looks brighter than today. Thank you Egypt and Tunisia.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


OBL is the abbreviation now used to refer to the now deceased Osama Bin Laden. I just have a few questions of my own to help me react to this momentous piece of news:
  1. Should I celebrate as a patriot American like Obama said on Sunday?
  2. Should I be fearful to live my life like Clinton said the very next day?
  3. Should I travel and work or should I just wait for some sort of retaliation for his death?
  4. What should I, as an average American, DO?

Can someone in the "know" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me.....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Soviets in Afghanistan!!!

Back in the mid to late 70's the USSR decided it would invade Afghanistan for some reason. The west also decided to help "free" the Afghanis from the "Soviet" occupation. An "Islamic" revival was taking place in the Middle East where many young men were being recruited by fringe groups. "Arab" and "Islamic" leaders (like Egypt's Mubarak and Omar Suleiman) thought it would be nice to use Afghanistan to eliminate those kids instead of putting them in jail they agreed with their masters in the West to send them to help "Liberate" Afghanistan. What they forgot is the fact that this could eventually lead to the demise of the Soviet Union and that many of the kids were not going to die in Afghanistan.

Every diplomatic entity has a "special" set of employees (no one really knows who they are) but those people work for the intelligence services of that country and are seemingly "regular" diplomats. The Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad was instructed by the Egyptian Intelligence agency to start an office as a base to start collecting the names, passports, addresses and contact information of every person crossing into Afghanistan. They set up an office in Peshawar for that purpose and it started collecting this information in earnest under the guise of helping inform the families of those kids of their fate if they were killed in the war to liberate Afghanistan. Names, passports and contact information was collected for the duration of this "war".

So Americans and the West was arming and training the rebels (aka Taliban and "Freedom Fighters"). The Egyptians were tasked with controlling them by collecting their passports and contact information. All the fearless "Arab and Muslim" Leaders wanted is for those kids to DIE and never return and that was their hope. Soon after the establishment of this "office" the Egyptian SSIS took it over and now it became a regular intelligence gathering office in Peshawar.

That office was named "The Base" or "Al-Qaeda" and this is where the name of the enemy of the West came from, the Egyptian office in Peshawar. Every Pakistani guide taking people to cross into Afghanistan was instructed to take them to the "Base" first.

This work continued far beyond Afghanistan, this office was established in all conflict zones like Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbia and other areas to continue to collect the names of people now to arrest them as soon as they return home. Egyptian SSIS officers were ordered to join the UN Peacekeeping forces as a contingent to help but also to continue to grow this list.

The old Egyptian regime, that was removed by the January 25 revolution, sold the world a bag of goods and the biggest sponsor of terrorism was Mubarak, Qaddafi and the other fearless leaders of the "Arab and Muslim" world. For thirty years Egyptians lived under manufactured secular tensions by the SSIS. For thirty years Mubarak and his goons ruled with an iron fist and blew up churches, arrested innocent people, managed rendition programs for the west ...etc. Now the fearless leaders of the "Arab" world are threatening Egyptians with retaliation if they try this criminal Mubarak for his atrocities.

Egypt is rising and will rise. As a US Citizen of Egyptian origin I will do my best to have a stable and secular Egypt where all Egyptians can and will live in freedom and under a democratic state. I will fight to put Mubarak on trial and make sure he pays for his atrocities him and his cronies. Mubarak's trial is an internal Egyptian issue and all other parties MUST respect that. If the KSA or the UAE do not want Egyptians there because of that then ALL Egyptian expats in those two countries must leave. Egypt needs everyone now more than before there is a lot to be done at home.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Juxtaposition Egypt <> USA

One of the reasons that led me to move to the USA is the fact that civil servants were civil and polite not threatening and intimidating. Egyptian SSIS and all Government officials in Egypt on the other hand used constant fear and intimidation when dealing with the general public.

Today Egypt's SSIS and uniformed personnel are learning to become more civil and unfortunately their American counterparts are becoming more like their Mubarak Egyptian counterparts who were hated by all. This led me to wonder WHY this transformation in the USA?.

The answer appears clear in my mind, the USA is becoming a fascist totalitarian regime and, one the other hand, Egypt is just now moving away from after the revolution of January the 25th.

The average Joe in the USA blames A-rabs, Moo-zlims, I-rakis, I-ranians, immigrants and every other ethnic group for this "unAmerican" change in their government. They don't see what America is becoming but more seeing this as a means to protect themselves. Well Average Joe these rules are designed for YOU not me, all non WASPs in the US can be spotted easily but you are the one they are after with these rules of fear.

There are a few Americans out there that understand what is going on and won't stand for it much longer. The USA had something that drove people to it, it is the "spirit" of America which is embodied in the Constitution and lives in every American's heart. This "spirit" that is now being diminished, undermined and eventually will be lost.

EGYPT - A revolution unfinished

Visiting Egypt for the past two weeks in trying to see for myself what are the changes that the revolution brought. Amazingly people had hope, they smiled more and were honest to express their opinion. Taxi drivers, the pulse of every metropolis, were politically savvy and always provided good reasoned discussions on both sides of the argument. This in of itself is a sign of a major change in the the Egyptian society as a whole.

Egypt needs to rebuild and they need everyone to help. on March 20th there was a conference to just address this topic which was a success and presented a few ideas in tourism, technology and other fields. Unfortunately, there is still a great deal of work to be done for Egypt to recover.

Egypt still needs basic help in the form of medical support for the rehabilitation of the injured and handicapped youth. There is also a need for financial aid to be given to the families of the martyrs of the revolution and many others who worked daily jobs and have not been paid for months now.

More than aid Egyptians need investments and jobs to help them sustain some level of growth and the dignity that they ask for not handouts. However, job creation requires skilled labor and, unfortunately, outside of the "elite classes" marketable skills are hard to come by.

The deposed corrupt regime ignored education and created an empty shell of social structure that was there for over thirty years to serve one purpose, preserve the regime. There is a great deal of work to restore the civil society in Egypt from fixing education to training and the Egyptian Government is not going to be of any help.

Unfortunately, the old regime is still alive and well. The current Military Junta is working hard to reinstall the deposed regime using different faces and names. The Military is creating more chaos in the land. The leaders of the military are from the old regime and it is in their best interest to preserve the status quo.

They need to keep the lies going create the fear of "terrorism" and "instability" to help control the crowds and rule. They need "terrorism" so that they can continue to obtain financial support from the USA and NATO since they themselves sold that lie to the west to keep the corrupt Western governments in place.

Egypt's Armed Forces controls 40% of the nations economy and no wonder they want people to go back to work. The Army runs factories that make weapons systems, cars, trucks, bottle drinking water, manufacture appliances and even operate resorts and tourism sites. The Egyptian Armed Forces are, in fact, the largest single landowner in the country they can and have pretty much done what they please with their land.

The SCAF (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces) that "governs" Egypt today seems not to care about the revolution but more about keeping corruption in place to maintain their positions. I think SCAF successfully managed to hijack a referendum on March the 19th by allowing fraud and dirty manipulation of simple minded people by the SSIS (secret police which still operates) the Muslim Brotherhood and other elements of dubious intentions.

The revolution in Egypt is under siege by the military and the secret police (SSIS), what will come next, it seems, is more blood and crack down. Crack down has already started by the army (as a matter of fact it never stopped) they introduced a law that banned congregation of any type. If this revolution is to continue it will be because the people want it to continue but my fear is that it will take more work and blood to get it to completion.

The world is waiting and watching. I think that the west wants the revolution to fail but really can't say that they do. They are more comfortable with the totalitarian Fascist Mubarak Regime and would probably welcome its return untouched of fear that freedom for the Egyptians and other nations is not good for America and the West.

The picture above was taken March 14th 2011 of Tahrir Square. The picture shows basically nothing. The Army has erased all evidence of the revolution and the square is back to normal whatever this normal ends up being.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Japan Japan

Japan had a major earthquake followed by a Tsunami - I lived and worked in Japan for years, I love that country, its people, culture and the days I spent there. I am sad to see this damage and I will try to see if I can help them somehow. The carnage is widespread and this is sad, too much damage all over the world and people need to band together to help all of those affected. On the bright side I know that Japan will recover and the Japanese will bounce back better than they were before. This is just an unfortunate incident and they will bounce back it is just the way they do things and I am certain of it.
This does not belittle the suffering of the freedom fighters in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and many other Arab States. I wish I could help them all and I will try to find a way every little bit helps.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mr. Peter King the IRA and Gaddafi (Huh)

I am not sure about this man, Mr. King that is, but he is a staunch advocate for the terrorist organization the IRA (Irish Republican Army). He helped in their fund raising activities and lobbied for them up until 2008 as per public records. he actively lobbied for them from 1980's until recently in 2008 where he lobbied for one of their representatives to attend Mr. Clinton's inauguration.

During that same time Colonel Gaddafi of Libya also was funding the same organization (IRA) to kill and massacre people all over Europe. The IRA did lay down its arms for now but the history of violence is not erased from the memory of all of us.

Now Mr. King is on a racially targeted tirade against Muslims in America, him and some others. Well what I need to know is his relationship with Gaddafi during the good old days of the IRA.
  1. How much did you know his (Gaddafi's) links to the IRA Mr. King?
  2. How many times have you visited with Mr. Gaddafi?
  3. How much money, if any, did you get from Gaddafi for the IRA?
  4. How much money, if any, did Gaddafi contribute to your re-election and election campaigns?
Mr. King it is nice to have a zealous patriot try to protect America and I am all for it but if you have blood money on your hands from the IRA and Gaddafi how reliable do you think you are in the new American Inquisition of Muslims. History repeats itself the Spanish Inquisition is upon us once more because of people in authority who have very little to no knowledge of the world around them.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Radical Islam in the USA - What a Day!

Today Congress is debating what is labeled "Radical Islam in the USA" in the Homeland Security commission and I wanted to just say something:
  1. I believe that the US government uses scare tactics to keep the US population under control. That stupid Kosovar who shot Army Personnel at Frankfurt couldn't be timed any better. Who paid him I guess? Every time someone in the corrupt government wants to forward an agenda they do some silly thing like that and the People of the USA are the ones who pay for it, this time it was two Patriot Soldiers in uniform.
  2. For the people in Orange County CA I say that the USA has reached a feverish pitch of hatred and bigotry against Muslims (or like some people like to pronounce it MOO-Z-LEEMS). I want to tell you and everyone in the USA we really can't go anywhere we are American born and bred and THIS IS OUR COUNTRY.
  3. Let's assume that we can remove all brown skinned people out of this country the Health Care system will collapse so will some of the most successful corporations. Muslims, Arabs, and Asian Immigrants are an economic force in the USA. The percentage of true blooded Americans who work in these fields unfortunately is low.
  4. Racism and racial profiling coupled with entrapment and other illegal tactics used by the FBI, DHS and other Government Agencies and Departments to target Muslims and other Arabs and Asians in this country will only make us more angry. In my opinion, most of the accusations leveled at us are fabricated and not true. I also beleive that the Murdoch Media keeps trumpeting it up like no tomorrow for financial and other interests.
  5. For once I will say it, I came to the USA because I believe in the Constitution of the USA and the freedoms it provides. I also elected to become an American Citizen at an age after living in Egypt for 30 years. I say to all of those in the US Congress, FBI, DHS and every other marginal government department that I consider myself more patriotic than any of those who acquired their citizenship through an accident of birth. This does not put in question the patriotism of others but to reinforce my own.
  6. The fall of Egypt's SSIS is proof that this terrorist threat has been over blown to keep Egypt's corrupt government in place.
I will vote ALL corrupt politicians out of office and will continue to work within the democratic system until it fails. This the only tool I have today.

"Remember remember the fifth of November"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Libyan Revolution and "Islamists"

It appears that ANY bloody dictator in this whole world once he starts talking about "Al-Qaeda" the West and the whole world stands back and says keep on your atrocities against your people. Ms. Clinton it seems that you are back pedaling on the Libya issue based on the perceived threat of Al-Qaeda.
This thing is strange and unsettling Libyans are being killed by a brutal regime, a man who calls himself "King of Kings of Africa" and many other titles. The US State Department is just backing off because of his claims. In my humble opinion if the world becomes that afraid from a clear lie then we have a bigger problem.
Did AL-Qaeda win? are we that afraid? Why are we that afraid? is our government lying to us? what is the real deal and truth? Sad so Sad when your government is afraid of a ghost created by Egypt's SSIS to justify its own existence.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Egyptian Army Cracks down on Unarmed Protestors

It appears that all politicians and especially dictators like the deposed one in Egypt have some kid of a personality disorder. They all claim, some more vocal than others, that people are not capable of this that or the other. The deposed Egyptian dictator and current Egyptian Police and Military claim the Egyptians can't rule themselves democratically.

Here is a revelation for you, in my opinion, people are born free and democratic as evidenced by the Libyans, Egyptians, Tunisians that are still struggling for freedom. It is the dictators that have this weird dependency on power and the need to stay in it. The struggle is not for the welfare of the people rather the welfare of the ruling elite.

Egypt is fighting Police and Military dependency on being elites, rulers and masters of Egypt. This creates a pharaoh syndrome and then it is a struggle to ween them off this dependency. To have them finally acknowledge the fact that they live among equals does take effort and sometimes blood. It is evident in Tunisia, Libya as well with the extreme case being Libya.

It is also unfortunate that the western hemisphere is not immune to the pharaoh syndrome. Washington, for example, is doing its level best to make us believe that we really need them yet they are squandering our money, mortgaging our great grand children's future and costing us jobs and our quality of living is suffering. To remove a corrupt politician take effort and a lot of work to organize and campaign against them in an election but still could be done. People must take charge of their destiny and vote for what they believe in if you don't go to the polls then you end up with people like Blago in IL.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Libya - Oil I don't Get it?

Libya produces 2% of the world's oil and gas, its production goes mostly to Europe and specifically Italy. Since the February 17th Brnet Crude went up over 25%, I don't get it 2% reduction eauivalent to 25% price increase some trader is making tons of money here and we are all being penalized. I guess we will have to bail out some rich Wall Street Bankers once more. I will never vote for a corrupt politician!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Egypt Mr. Obama Just a note of caution!

The status quo in the form of the Mubarak appointed Government is still in the country. People are demanding the removal and overahual of the whole system of government. Media is still state controlled and corruption is rampant at all government levels. The current military council has no reason to change the status quo, it is in their best financial interest.

The political landscape of Egypt and the Middle East is far more colorful than what Mubarak sold you. There are for sure "Islamists" yet i still fail to understand what this stupid term means if it is theocratic Islamic then of course there are those. But there are staunch Marxists, communists, socialists, moderate Muslims, left wing Christians, Left wing Muslims, right wing Christians, right wing Muslims, separatists, secularists, pan Arabists, Nasserists and other don't care-ists......etc.

The continuation of the status quo in Egypt and the fact that Mubarak's media hounds are still in control must end and fast. The demands of the people must be met or we will end up with a socialist to communist Middle East. Mubarak sold the USA a bag of goods and we paid him handsomely for it over thirty years.

Egypt needs the people to focus on a transparent civil democratic society that will create jobs and open opportunities for its people. There are those who will take advantage of this situation but the USA must stand on the right side of history and stop supporting oppressive regimes in the region.

Egypt - USA why do people Hate US?

I am an Egyptian born US citizen, I elected to take up citizenship in the US because I believe in the Freedoms guaranteed by the US constitution and the "American Dream". A question that has been posed to me and through the media is "Why do people hate us (USA)?"
The answer now should be clear to all - look anywhere there is a revolt going on and observe the military equipment supplier for the dictators all of them with no exception are supplied by the USA and Western Europe and Israel. if this does not answer your question then I think you should go back and bury your head in the sand.
People around the world do not HATE Americans from the USA for no reason as evident in Egypt's uprising not a single word was made against the USA. In fact they look to the American (USA) people for freedom and support but it is hard to be fair if the tools of oppression are all Made In the USA.
We are the worlds largest arms dealer to the worlds worst dictators. We have a whole gamut of excuses that continue to allow us to do so. Please let us build bridges between countries ourselves and forget the government I love Americans from North, South and Central America. I love Brazilians, Mexicans, Chileans as well as Canadians and other countries. I, however do not approve of the US government selling arms to dictators to kill their people. I will work through our system of government until it fails to stop this practice.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Apple's Role in the Egyptian Revolution

The Egyptian State Media made the following statement before the resignation of the Tyrant Mubarak:

"People of Egypt foreign elements are manipulating the masses and you can find them using their American made communication devices that are keyboard less, black and with a sign of a bitten Apple on the Back"

As an Egyptian Thank you Apple for the device that enabled our revolution - Egypt EGYPT EGYPT!!!


Today the tyrant is gone and a great deal of work has to be done in EGYPT. Time to rebuild and help the Egyptians regain their financial freedom. After the whole thing settles down Egypt now needs help Egyptian Citizens have spoken and something did change but it becomes our responsibility as free world citizens to help them stabilize that country. They need tourists, investors, educators and people to help them in general. Go Egypt - Go Egypt!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

If You go to Egypt Don't Use those

This image is from Tahrir Square February 2nd 2011 and those camels, horses and donkeys are used in the Pyramids area and tourist areas to sucker you out of money. Not only are they unethical and dishonest this picture proves they are THUGS and paid informants to an oppressive government. Please visit Egypt once all is over but boycott people who supported the oppressive regime. FREE EGYPT!!