Thursday, March 31, 2011

Juxtaposition Egypt <> USA

One of the reasons that led me to move to the USA is the fact that civil servants were civil and polite not threatening and intimidating. Egyptian SSIS and all Government officials in Egypt on the other hand used constant fear and intimidation when dealing with the general public.

Today Egypt's SSIS and uniformed personnel are learning to become more civil and unfortunately their American counterparts are becoming more like their Mubarak Egyptian counterparts who were hated by all. This led me to wonder WHY this transformation in the USA?.

The answer appears clear in my mind, the USA is becoming a fascist totalitarian regime and, one the other hand, Egypt is just now moving away from after the revolution of January the 25th.

The average Joe in the USA blames A-rabs, Moo-zlims, I-rakis, I-ranians, immigrants and every other ethnic group for this "unAmerican" change in their government. They don't see what America is becoming but more seeing this as a means to protect themselves. Well Average Joe these rules are designed for YOU not me, all non WASPs in the US can be spotted easily but you are the one they are after with these rules of fear.

There are a few Americans out there that understand what is going on and won't stand for it much longer. The USA had something that drove people to it, it is the "spirit" of America which is embodied in the Constitution and lives in every American's heart. This "spirit" that is now being diminished, undermined and eventually will be lost.

EGYPT - A revolution unfinished

Visiting Egypt for the past two weeks in trying to see for myself what are the changes that the revolution brought. Amazingly people had hope, they smiled more and were honest to express their opinion. Taxi drivers, the pulse of every metropolis, were politically savvy and always provided good reasoned discussions on both sides of the argument. This in of itself is a sign of a major change in the the Egyptian society as a whole.

Egypt needs to rebuild and they need everyone to help. on March 20th there was a conference to just address this topic which was a success and presented a few ideas in tourism, technology and other fields. Unfortunately, there is still a great deal of work to be done for Egypt to recover.

Egypt still needs basic help in the form of medical support for the rehabilitation of the injured and handicapped youth. There is also a need for financial aid to be given to the families of the martyrs of the revolution and many others who worked daily jobs and have not been paid for months now.

More than aid Egyptians need investments and jobs to help them sustain some level of growth and the dignity that they ask for not handouts. However, job creation requires skilled labor and, unfortunately, outside of the "elite classes" marketable skills are hard to come by.

The deposed corrupt regime ignored education and created an empty shell of social structure that was there for over thirty years to serve one purpose, preserve the regime. There is a great deal of work to restore the civil society in Egypt from fixing education to training and the Egyptian Government is not going to be of any help.

Unfortunately, the old regime is still alive and well. The current Military Junta is working hard to reinstall the deposed regime using different faces and names. The Military is creating more chaos in the land. The leaders of the military are from the old regime and it is in their best interest to preserve the status quo.

They need to keep the lies going create the fear of "terrorism" and "instability" to help control the crowds and rule. They need "terrorism" so that they can continue to obtain financial support from the USA and NATO since they themselves sold that lie to the west to keep the corrupt Western governments in place.

Egypt's Armed Forces controls 40% of the nations economy and no wonder they want people to go back to work. The Army runs factories that make weapons systems, cars, trucks, bottle drinking water, manufacture appliances and even operate resorts and tourism sites. The Egyptian Armed Forces are, in fact, the largest single landowner in the country they can and have pretty much done what they please with their land.

The SCAF (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces) that "governs" Egypt today seems not to care about the revolution but more about keeping corruption in place to maintain their positions. I think SCAF successfully managed to hijack a referendum on March the 19th by allowing fraud and dirty manipulation of simple minded people by the SSIS (secret police which still operates) the Muslim Brotherhood and other elements of dubious intentions.

The revolution in Egypt is under siege by the military and the secret police (SSIS), what will come next, it seems, is more blood and crack down. Crack down has already started by the army (as a matter of fact it never stopped) they introduced a law that banned congregation of any type. If this revolution is to continue it will be because the people want it to continue but my fear is that it will take more work and blood to get it to completion.

The world is waiting and watching. I think that the west wants the revolution to fail but really can't say that they do. They are more comfortable with the totalitarian Fascist Mubarak Regime and would probably welcome its return untouched of fear that freedom for the Egyptians and other nations is not good for America and the West.

The picture above was taken March 14th 2011 of Tahrir Square. The picture shows basically nothing. The Army has erased all evidence of the revolution and the square is back to normal whatever this normal ends up being.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Japan Japan

Japan had a major earthquake followed by a Tsunami - I lived and worked in Japan for years, I love that country, its people, culture and the days I spent there. I am sad to see this damage and I will try to see if I can help them somehow. The carnage is widespread and this is sad, too much damage all over the world and people need to band together to help all of those affected. On the bright side I know that Japan will recover and the Japanese will bounce back better than they were before. This is just an unfortunate incident and they will bounce back it is just the way they do things and I am certain of it.
This does not belittle the suffering of the freedom fighters in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and many other Arab States. I wish I could help them all and I will try to find a way every little bit helps.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mr. Peter King the IRA and Gaddafi (Huh)

I am not sure about this man, Mr. King that is, but he is a staunch advocate for the terrorist organization the IRA (Irish Republican Army). He helped in their fund raising activities and lobbied for them up until 2008 as per public records. he actively lobbied for them from 1980's until recently in 2008 where he lobbied for one of their representatives to attend Mr. Clinton's inauguration.

During that same time Colonel Gaddafi of Libya also was funding the same organization (IRA) to kill and massacre people all over Europe. The IRA did lay down its arms for now but the history of violence is not erased from the memory of all of us.

Now Mr. King is on a racially targeted tirade against Muslims in America, him and some others. Well what I need to know is his relationship with Gaddafi during the good old days of the IRA.
  1. How much did you know his (Gaddafi's) links to the IRA Mr. King?
  2. How many times have you visited with Mr. Gaddafi?
  3. How much money, if any, did you get from Gaddafi for the IRA?
  4. How much money, if any, did Gaddafi contribute to your re-election and election campaigns?
Mr. King it is nice to have a zealous patriot try to protect America and I am all for it but if you have blood money on your hands from the IRA and Gaddafi how reliable do you think you are in the new American Inquisition of Muslims. History repeats itself the Spanish Inquisition is upon us once more because of people in authority who have very little to no knowledge of the world around them.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Radical Islam in the USA - What a Day!

Today Congress is debating what is labeled "Radical Islam in the USA" in the Homeland Security commission and I wanted to just say something:
  1. I believe that the US government uses scare tactics to keep the US population under control. That stupid Kosovar who shot Army Personnel at Frankfurt couldn't be timed any better. Who paid him I guess? Every time someone in the corrupt government wants to forward an agenda they do some silly thing like that and the People of the USA are the ones who pay for it, this time it was two Patriot Soldiers in uniform.
  2. For the people in Orange County CA I say that the USA has reached a feverish pitch of hatred and bigotry against Muslims (or like some people like to pronounce it MOO-Z-LEEMS). I want to tell you and everyone in the USA we really can't go anywhere we are American born and bred and THIS IS OUR COUNTRY.
  3. Let's assume that we can remove all brown skinned people out of this country the Health Care system will collapse so will some of the most successful corporations. Muslims, Arabs, and Asian Immigrants are an economic force in the USA. The percentage of true blooded Americans who work in these fields unfortunately is low.
  4. Racism and racial profiling coupled with entrapment and other illegal tactics used by the FBI, DHS and other Government Agencies and Departments to target Muslims and other Arabs and Asians in this country will only make us more angry. In my opinion, most of the accusations leveled at us are fabricated and not true. I also beleive that the Murdoch Media keeps trumpeting it up like no tomorrow for financial and other interests.
  5. For once I will say it, I came to the USA because I believe in the Constitution of the USA and the freedoms it provides. I also elected to become an American Citizen at an age after living in Egypt for 30 years. I say to all of those in the US Congress, FBI, DHS and every other marginal government department that I consider myself more patriotic than any of those who acquired their citizenship through an accident of birth. This does not put in question the patriotism of others but to reinforce my own.
  6. The fall of Egypt's SSIS is proof that this terrorist threat has been over blown to keep Egypt's corrupt government in place.
I will vote ALL corrupt politicians out of office and will continue to work within the democratic system until it fails. This the only tool I have today.

"Remember remember the fifth of November"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Libyan Revolution and "Islamists"

It appears that ANY bloody dictator in this whole world once he starts talking about "Al-Qaeda" the West and the whole world stands back and says keep on your atrocities against your people. Ms. Clinton it seems that you are back pedaling on the Libya issue based on the perceived threat of Al-Qaeda.
This thing is strange and unsettling Libyans are being killed by a brutal regime, a man who calls himself "King of Kings of Africa" and many other titles. The US State Department is just backing off because of his claims. In my humble opinion if the world becomes that afraid from a clear lie then we have a bigger problem.
Did AL-Qaeda win? are we that afraid? Why are we that afraid? is our government lying to us? what is the real deal and truth? Sad so Sad when your government is afraid of a ghost created by Egypt's SSIS to justify its own existence.