Visiting Egypt for the past two weeks in trying to see for myself what are the changes that the revolution brought. Amazingly people had hope, they smiled more and were honest to express their opinion. Taxi drivers, the pulse of every metropolis, were politically savvy and always provided good reasoned discussions on both sides of the argument. This in of itself is a sign of a major change in the the Egyptian society as a whole.
Egypt needs to rebuild and they need everyone to help. on March 20th there was a conference to just address this topic which was a success and presented a few ideas in tourism, technology and other fields. Unfortunately, there is still a great deal of work to be done for Egypt to recover.
Egypt still needs basic help in the form of medical support for the rehabilitation of the injured and handicapped youth. There is also a need for financial aid to be given to the families of the martyrs of the revolution and many others who worked daily jobs and have not been paid for months now.
More than aid Egyptians need investments and jobs to help them sustain some level of growth and the dignity that they ask for not handouts. However, job creation requires skilled labor and, unfortunately, outside of the "elite classes" marketable skills are hard to come by.
The deposed corrupt regime ignored education and created an empty shell of social structure that was there for over thirty years to serve one purpose, preserve the regime. There is a great deal of work to restore the civil society in Egypt from fixing education to training and the Egyptian Government is not going to be of any help.
Unfortunately, the old regime is still alive and well. The current Military Junta is working hard to reinstall the deposed regime using different faces and names. The Military is creating more chaos in the land. The leaders of the military are from the old regime and it is in their best interest to preserve the status quo.
They need to keep the lies going create the fear of "terrorism" and "instability" to help control the crowds and rule. They need "terrorism" so that they can continue to obtain financial support from the USA and NATO since they themselves sold that lie to the west to keep the corrupt Western governments in place.
Egypt's Armed Forces controls 40% of the nations economy and no wonder they want people to go back to work. The Army runs factories that make weapons systems, cars, trucks, bottle drinking water, manufacture appliances and even operate resorts and tourism sites. The Egyptian Armed Forces are, in fact, the largest single landowner in the country they can and have pretty much done what they please with their land.
The SCAF (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces) that "governs" Egypt today seems not to care about the revolution but more about keeping corruption in place to maintain their positions. I think SCAF successfully managed to hijack a referendum on March the 19th by allowing fraud and dirty manipulation of simple minded people by the SSIS (secret police which still operates) the Muslim Brotherhood and other elements of dubious intentions.
The revolution in Egypt is under siege by the military and the secret police (SSIS), what will come next, it seems, is more blood and crack down. Crack down has already started by the army (as a matter of fact it never stopped) they introduced a law that banned congregation of any type. If this revolution is to continue it will be because the people want it to continue but my fear is that it will take more work and blood to get it to completion.
The world is waiting and watching. I think that the west wants the revolution to fail but really can't say that they do. They are more comfortable with the totalitarian Fascist Mubarak Regime and would probably welcome its return untouched of fear that freedom for the Egyptians and other nations is not good for America and the West.
The picture above was taken March 14th 2011 of Tahrir Square. The picture shows basically nothing. The Army has erased all evidence of the revolution and the square is back to normal whatever this normal ends up being.