Japan had a major earthquake followed by a Tsunami - I lived and worked in Japan for years, I love that country, its people, culture and the days I spent there. I am sad to see this damage and I will try to see if I can help them somehow. The carnage is widespread and this is sad, too much damage all over the world and people need to band together to help all of those affected. On the bright side I know that Japan will recover and the Japanese will bounce back better than they were before. This is just an unfortunate incident and they will bounce back it is just the way they do things and I am certain of it.
This does not belittle the suffering of the freedom fighters in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and many other Arab States. I wish I could help them all and I will try to find a way every little bit helps.
161,000 people have left japan last time I heard. CurleyUS here. Don't give up this blog, we love you and your picture is awesome not to mention a priceless viral sign of youth power!