Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mr. Peter King the IRA and Gaddafi (Huh)

I am not sure about this man, Mr. King that is, but he is a staunch advocate for the terrorist organization the IRA (Irish Republican Army). He helped in their fund raising activities and lobbied for them up until 2008 as per public records. he actively lobbied for them from 1980's until recently in 2008 where he lobbied for one of their representatives to attend Mr. Clinton's inauguration.

During that same time Colonel Gaddafi of Libya also was funding the same organization (IRA) to kill and massacre people all over Europe. The IRA did lay down its arms for now but the history of violence is not erased from the memory of all of us.

Now Mr. King is on a racially targeted tirade against Muslims in America, him and some others. Well what I need to know is his relationship with Gaddafi during the good old days of the IRA.
  1. How much did you know his (Gaddafi's) links to the IRA Mr. King?
  2. How many times have you visited with Mr. Gaddafi?
  3. How much money, if any, did you get from Gaddafi for the IRA?
  4. How much money, if any, did Gaddafi contribute to your re-election and election campaigns?
Mr. King it is nice to have a zealous patriot try to protect America and I am all for it but if you have blood money on your hands from the IRA and Gaddafi how reliable do you think you are in the new American Inquisition of Muslims. History repeats itself the Spanish Inquisition is upon us once more because of people in authority who have very little to no knowledge of the world around them.

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