Today Congress is debating what is labeled "Radical Islam in the USA" in the Homeland Security commission and I wanted to just say something:
- I believe that the US government uses scare tactics to keep the US population under control. That stupid Kosovar who shot Army Personnel at Frankfurt couldn't be timed any better. Who paid him I guess? Every time someone in the corrupt government wants to forward an agenda they do some silly thing like that and the People of the USA are the ones who pay for it, this time it was two Patriot Soldiers in uniform.
- For the people in Orange County CA I say that the USA has reached a feverish pitch of hatred and bigotry against Muslims (or like some people like to pronounce it MOO-Z-LEEMS). I want to tell you and everyone in the USA we really can't go anywhere we are American born and bred and THIS IS OUR COUNTRY.
- Let's assume that we can remove all brown skinned people out of this country the Health Care system will collapse so will some of the most successful corporations. Muslims, Arabs, and Asian Immigrants are an economic force in the USA. The percentage of true blooded Americans who work in these fields unfortunately is low.
- Racism and racial profiling coupled with entrapment and other illegal tactics used by the FBI, DHS and other Government Agencies and Departments to target Muslims and other Arabs and Asians in this country will only make us more angry. In my opinion, most of the accusations leveled at us are fabricated and not true. I also beleive that the Murdoch Media keeps trumpeting it up like no tomorrow for financial and other interests.
- For once I will say it, I came to the USA because I believe in the Constitution of the USA and the freedoms it provides. I also elected to become an American Citizen at an age after living in Egypt for 30 years. I say to all of those in the US Congress, FBI, DHS and every other marginal government department that I consider myself more patriotic than any of those who acquired their citizenship through an accident of birth. This does not put in question the patriotism of others but to reinforce my own.
- The fall of Egypt's SSIS is proof that this terrorist threat has been over blown to keep Egypt's corrupt government in place.
I will vote ALL corrupt politicians out of office and will continue to work within the democratic system until it fails. This the only tool I have today.
"Remember remember the fifth of November"
Forgot which imam was called horrible names on fox... but they were scaring people that "radical islamics" were going to rally in front of the west wing. I was there the day they supposedly were, but guess who showed up? 50 young people with Egyptian and Libyan flags mourning those lost! What a world. But rest assured, we are winning.