Sunday, December 25, 2011
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas
Middle East still uncertain as ever many dictators are still operating like normal, killing people and arresting them as normal. Egypt's SCAF is killing people left and right, Syria's Assad is not yet done killing so is Yemen's Saleh they are all executing a policy of longevity trying to wear the protesters down and outlast them. I really hope it does not work.
Europe and North America and the world the Occupy movement does not seem to gain any traction and it also appears that, although, they are not being killed, the same tactics are being played out - wear them down.
So far the only quasi successful revolutions are Tunisia and Libya they are on the mends. As for Egypt, the USA and all the world powers will NEVER let it go democratic since the USA sees a threat to the Jewish State (Israel) from a democratic Egypt. I am saddened by the turn of events and am hoping that the "good guys" win, the protesters, the revolutionaries and the people fighting for a better world. The next country in that region that will turn will surprise everyone - no one will see it coming but it will happen and soon I hope.
I have seen Anonymous do some of its magic to help out; to them goes my thanks for this year so this year goes to the anonymous ANON and the protesters here is to a better more successful year next year remember - YOU NEVER REALLY LOSE IF YOU KEEP TRYING A WINNER IS A PERSON WHO GOT UP CLEANED HIMSELF UP AND TRIED ONCE MORE UNTIL HE SUCCEEDED. This is just a fact of the world.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Egypt AGAIN, OWS and the way we are!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Gaddaffi Caught Today 10/20/11
Those people in Occupy Wall Street that also face every sort of ridicule and arrest. If OWS becomes more serious I can almost see that we will return to what happened in the 60's the establishment will protect itself at all costs.
What should I tell those people, Thank you is NOT enough but for today that is all I can do THANK YOU ALL from Tunisia, to Egypt passing by Libya, Syria, Bahrain, NEW YORK and all cities where people are moving against greed and injustice. THANK YOU!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Latest Hollywood Terror Plot
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Suicide Bombers WTF!
With the demise of one of the worlds most terrorist regimes that of Mubarak in Egypt and the evidence that was unearthed proving to the world that they played the terror card so often they had a list of people ready for jail always. The bombing of the All Saints Cathedral in Alexandria was planned and executed by the counter terrorism branch of the Egyptian police.
So whenever a suicide bomb takes place I always wonder who is to benefit and it all points to the same thing weak unfair totalitarian governments.
Last I checked the Quran clearly denounces suicide. Also there is a clear incident of a companion who killed himself after a day of valiant fighting just to spare himself death pains only to be declared going to hell by Muhammad (PBUH). So any person telling or justifying to any Muslim that suicide bombing is a ticket to paradise better strap that crap on himself because he is calling people to kill themselves to die and go to hell.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Palestinian State Obama and the Middle East
Friday, September 16, 2011
Syria how many more kids must be raped and killed before the world acts?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
When will America Stop crying and start living again in memory of 9-11
1. Three wars with no way out.
2. Record unemployment.
3. A financially bankrupt government.
4. A morally bankrupt system of government.
5. Trillions of dollars in debt
6. The first black president
7. Millions of refugees and hundreds of thousands dead with our weapons and armies
8. Bin Ladin is dead by a team of only 12 brave men in an operation that cost only millions.
9. Weiner showed everyone his Weiner
10. Arnold fathered a child out of wedlock
11. Michael Jackson died.
12. Egypt went through a revolution so did Tunisia Libya and Syria.
13. Europe is in near financial ruins.
14. Greece, a country I love, is near bankrupt.
So when are we going to start living again? Just a simple question from an ordinary person who will vote next year for the next corrupt politician to sit in the oval office. The world around us is changing fast and America is having trouble coping. Let us live again America isn't it time?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The NEW Enemy!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
US Budget Talks - Who CARES!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Norway - What a Tragedy!
We can start by counting the people that are in jail for alleged "plots" that were instigated by entrapement efforts by the police, FBI and other agencies just to make work for themselves. How many innocent lives have been damaged for those agencies to just claim success in their crusade against Islam and Muslims. Yet this Norwegian terrorist is called a "madman" and nobody even hinted at him being a terrorist murderer and should be tried like one. The Washington Post so valiantly blamed and convicted Islam and Muslims before any details were made available to the public what a travesty.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Amazing This world!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Comic explores a changed Cairo -
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
BBC E-mail: Google teacher in US economy warning
should see it.
** Google teacher in US economy warning **
A professor who helped Google's founders get the company off the ground - and became a billionaire in the process - has warned that President Obama could be leading the United States towards economic disaster.
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Monday, June 20, 2011
10 great cities, 100 fantastic free attractions #11 |
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
NATO fears Anonymous, Wikileaks as "threat to member-states' security"
NATO fears Anonymous, Wikileaks as "threat to member-states' security"
James Nixon at "NATO leaders have been warned that Wikileaks-loving 'hacktivist' collective Anonymous could pose a ... Read more
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Friday, May 20, 2011
Is This Game Over?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
- Should I celebrate as a patriot American like Obama said on Sunday?
- Should I be fearful to live my life like Clinton said the very next day?
- Should I travel and work or should I just wait for some sort of retaliation for his death?
- What should I, as an average American, DO?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Soviets in Afghanistan!!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Waking the Lion | Politics | Vanity Fair
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Juxtaposition Egypt <> USA
EGYPT - A revolution unfinished
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Japan Japan Japan

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Mr. Peter King the IRA and Gaddafi (Huh)
During that same time Colonel Gaddafi of Libya also was funding the same organization (IRA) to kill and massacre people all over Europe. The IRA did lay down its arms for now but the history of violence is not erased from the memory of all of us.
Now Mr. King is on a racially targeted tirade against Muslims in America, him and some others. Well what I need to know is his relationship with Gaddafi during the good old days of the IRA.
- How much did you know his (Gaddafi's) links to the IRA Mr. King?
- How many times have you visited with Mr. Gaddafi?
- How much money, if any, did you get from Gaddafi for the IRA?
- How much money, if any, did Gaddafi contribute to your re-election and election campaigns?
Monday, March 7, 2011
Radical Islam in the USA - What a Day!
- I believe that the US government uses scare tactics to keep the US population under control. That stupid Kosovar who shot Army Personnel at Frankfurt couldn't be timed any better. Who paid him I guess? Every time someone in the corrupt government wants to forward an agenda they do some silly thing like that and the People of the USA are the ones who pay for it, this time it was two Patriot Soldiers in uniform.
- For the people in Orange County CA I say that the USA has reached a feverish pitch of hatred and bigotry against Muslims (or like some people like to pronounce it MOO-Z-LEEMS). I want to tell you and everyone in the USA we really can't go anywhere we are American born and bred and THIS IS OUR COUNTRY.
- Let's assume that we can remove all brown skinned people out of this country the Health Care system will collapse so will some of the most successful corporations. Muslims, Arabs, and Asian Immigrants are an economic force in the USA. The percentage of true blooded Americans who work in these fields unfortunately is low.
- Racism and racial profiling coupled with entrapment and other illegal tactics used by the FBI, DHS and other Government Agencies and Departments to target Muslims and other Arabs and Asians in this country will only make us more angry. In my opinion, most of the accusations leveled at us are fabricated and not true. I also beleive that the Murdoch Media keeps trumpeting it up like no tomorrow for financial and other interests.
- For once I will say it, I came to the USA because I believe in the Constitution of the USA and the freedoms it provides. I also elected to become an American Citizen at an age after living in Egypt for 30 years. I say to all of those in the US Congress, FBI, DHS and every other marginal government department that I consider myself more patriotic than any of those who acquired their citizenship through an accident of birth. This does not put in question the patriotism of others but to reinforce my own.
- The fall of Egypt's SSIS is proof that this terrorist threat has been over blown to keep Egypt's corrupt government in place.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Libyan Revolution and "Islamists"
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Interview with Egyptian Pro Democracy Activist, Nadia - Women Activists ...
Friday, February 25, 2011
Egyptian Army Cracks down on Unarmed Protestors
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Libya - Oil I don't Get it?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Egypt Mr. Obama Just a note of caution!
Egypt - USA why do people Hate US?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Arabic w/ English sub Voice of Freedom Sout Al Horeya صوت الحريه - Amir ...
Friday, February 11, 2011
Apple's Role in the Egyptian Revolution

The Egyptian State Media made the following statement before the resignation of the Tyrant Mubarak: